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11 Cult Documentaries that Will Leave You Shocked and Bewildered

There are some things that all cult documentaries have in common. A charismatic leader, an isolated group of people, inevitable inappropriate behavior, and often a bizarre belief that ties them all together.

But there’s something even more bizarre that makes all of these cult documentaries addictive must-watch films.  Maybe it’s the insane devotion of the cult followers, maybe it’s the outlandish requests made by their leaders. Often it’s the disturbing and gut-wrenching abuse that the innocent members are forced to partake in.

Whatever the draw may be, these cult documentaries are definitely the best out there, featuring infamous leaders like Warren Jeffs, Michael Travesser, Michel Rostand, and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

They’re all worth adding to your Netflix queue, so cozy up, because it’s going to be a bone-chilling weekend!

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